Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Three Things I'm Not Good At

As you know dear reader, your author is a master of many talents*, but there are three skills I just can’t seem to master:
  1. I NEVER KNOW THE RIGHT TIME TO LEAVE SOMEONE’S HOME - I can’t begin to tell you how difficult it is for me to read when the correct time for me to take me my leave is. I always feel I am either under-staying or overstaying my welcome in someone’s home. If someone invites me over for dinner am I supposed to stay and visit afterwards? If I’m watching a movie with someone in their living room am I supposed to excuse myself after the movie is over? I just don’t know!
  2. I NEVER KNOW WHEN/IF TO MAKE A MOVE ON A GIRL - I always feel like every girl in the world has no interest in me other than as a pal. Because of this I tend to never realize the opportunity that’s in front of me until its much much too late. I’d like to think of myself as a sharp guy that very little gets past, but this just isn’t the case with women. When it comes to women I obviously need it spelled out to me in big bold letters. I sometimes find it amazing that I’ve actually been with girls being as unsmooth as I am.
  3. I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO WHEN WOMEN CRY IN FRONT OF ME - If a woman is telling me her sob story without crying I’m a pro…I can listen and pep talk with the best of them. If she’s crying over the phone I can handle that too. But if a female is crying right in front of me I don’t know what to do. My natural instinct is to put my hand on their shoulder, or to rub their back, or give them a hug but every time I run that scenario through my head I always picture the crying girl freaking out by me touching her! I guess this is kinda a silly fear because the few times I have done one of the things mentioned above the girls didn’t freak out but keep crying…
Well there you go folks, it turns out I’m not as slick as I appear** after all. I’m not sure why I felt the need to share these “untalents”, but there they are still the same.

*Way too many talents to mention here, although list making appears to be one of them!
**To be fair no one has every actually accused me of be especially slick.

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